
Provides producers and layers for terrain textures. More...


class  proland::EmptyOrthoLayer
 An OrthoGPUProducer layer that simply fills tiles with a constant color. More...
class  proland::OrthoCPUProducer
 A TileProducer to load any kind of texture tile from disk to CPU memory. More...
class  proland::OrthoGPUProducer
 A TileProducer to create texture tiles on GPU from CPU textures tiles. More...
class  proland::OrthoProducer
 A TileProducer to create texture tiles on GPU from CPU residual tiles. More...
class  proland::TextureLayer
 An OrthoGPUProducer layer to blend the tiles of two OrthoGPUProducer. More...

Detailed Description

Provides producers and layers for terrain textures.

Generated on Sat May 12 09:42:13 2012 for proland by  doxygen 1.6.1