
Provides classes to build a user interface to control and edit a scene. More...


class  proland::ViewManager
 Provides access to a SceneManager, to a TerrainViewController and to the screen to world transformation. More...
class  proland::BasicViewHandler
 An EventHandler to control a TerrainViewController and a light source with the mouse and/or the keyboard. More...
class  proland::Recordable
 An object that can be recorded by an EventRecorder. More...
class  proland::EventRecorder
 An EventHandler that can record and replay events, and save a video during replay. More...
class  proland::MousePositionHandler
 An EventHandler that can determine the position of the mouse in world space. More...
class  proland::SceneVisitor
 A visitor to visit a scene graph. More...



Provides classes to build a user interface using the AntTweakBar library.

Detailed Description

Provides classes to build a user interface to control and edit a scene.

Generated on Sat May 12 09:41:36 2012 for proland by  doxygen 1.6.1