proland::TweakBarManager::BarData | A TweakBarHandler with additional options |
proland::BasicViewHandler | An EventHandler to control a TerrainViewController and a light source with the mouse and/or the keyboard |
proland::ReadbackManager::Callback | A callback function called when a readback is done; see ReadbackManager |
proland::CPUTileStorage< T >::CPUSlot | A slot managed by a CPUTileStorage |
proland::CPUTileStorage< T > | A TileStorage that store tiles on CPU |
proland::CylinderViewController | A TerrainViewController for cylindrical terrains |
proland::CylindricalDeformation | A Deformation of space transforming planes to cylinders |
proland::TweakResource::Data | Abstract data class used for tweak bar callbacks |
proland::Deformation | A deformation of space |
proland::DrawTerrainTask | An AbstractTask to draw a terrain |
proland::DrawTweakBarTask | An ork::AbstractTask to display tweak bars |
proland::EventRecorder::Event | A recorded event |
proland::EventRecorder | An EventHandler that can record and replay events, and save a video during replay |
proland::FlowTile | Computes the velocity of a flow at a given point |
proland::GPUTileStorage::GPUSlot | A slot managed by a GPUTileStorage |
proland::GPUTileStorage | A TileStorage that stores tiles in 2D array textures |
proland::DrawTerrainTask::Impl | A Task to draw a terrain |
proland::DrawTweakBarTask::Impl | A Task to display the tweak bar |
proland::LifeCycleParticleLayer::LifeCycleParticle | Layer specific particle data for managing the lifecycle of particles |
proland::LifeCycleParticleLayer | A ParticleLayer to manage the lifecycle of particles |
proland::MousePositionHandler | An EventHandler that can determine the position of the mouse in world space |
proland::ObjectTileStorage::ObjectSlot | A tile managed by an ObjectTileStorage |
proland::ObjectTileStorage | A TileStorage that stores Object on CPU |
proland::ParticleStorage::Particle | An abstract particle stored by a ParticleStorage |
proland::ParticleGrid | A 2D grid containing particles, used to quickly find the neighbors of a particle or the particles covering a given point |
proland::ParticleLayer | An abstract layer for a ParticleProducer |
proland::ParticleProducer | An abstract producer of particles |
proland::ParticleStorage | A storage to store particles |
proland::PlanetViewController | A TerrainViewController for spherical terrains (i.e., planets) |
proland::TweakViewHandler::Position | A BasicViewHandler::Position together with a name and a shortcut key |
proland::BasicViewHandler::Position | A TerrainViewController position and a light source position |
proland::RandomParticleLayer::RandomParticle | Layer specific particle data for managing random particles |
proland::RandomParticleLayer | A ParticleLayer to add random 3D coordinates to a particle |
proland::ReadbackManager | A manager for asynchronous readbacks from a framebuffer |
proland::Recordable | An object that can be recorded by an EventRecorder |
proland::SceneVisitor | A visitor to visit a scene graph |
proland::ScreenParticleLayer::ScreenParticle | Layer specific particle data for managing particles in screen space |
proland::ScreenParticleLayer | A ParticleLayer to force particles to stay in the viewport, with a uniform density |
proland::seg2< type > | A 2D segment |
proland::TileStorage::Slot | A slot managed by a TileStorage |
proland::SphericalDeformation | A Deformation of space transforming planes to spheres |
proland::TileSamplerZ::State | A state object to share the readback managers between all TileSamplerZ instances with the same tile storage |
proland::TerrainParticleLayer::TerrainInfo | Contains a SceneNode and its corresponding TerrainNode |
proland::TerrainNode | A view dependent, quadtree based terrain |
proland::TerrainParticleLayer::TerrainParticle | Layer specific particle data for managing particles on terrains |
proland::TerrainParticleLayer | A ParticleLayer to advect particles in world space by using a velocity field defined on one or more terrains |
proland::TerrainQuad | A quad in a terrain quadtree |
proland::TerrainViewController | A view controller for flat terrains |
proland::TileCache::Tile | A tile described by its level,tx,ty coordinates |
proland::TileCache | A cache of tiles to avoid recomputing recently produced tiles |
proland::TileSamplerZ::TileCallback | A ork::ReadbackManager::Callback to readback an elevation tile and to update the zmin and zmax fields of a TerrainQuad |
proland::TileSampler::TileFilter | A filter to decide whether a texture tile must be produced or not for a given quad |
proland::TileLayer | An abstract layer for a TileProducer |
proland::TileProducer | An abstract producer of tiles |
proland::TileSampler | A ork::Uniform to access texture tiles stored on GPU |
proland::TileSamplerZ | A TileSampler to be used with a proland::ElevationProducer |
proland::TileStorage | A shared storage to store tiles of the same kind |
proland::TileSampler::Tree | An internal quadtree to store the texture tile associated with each terrain quad |
proland::TileSamplerZ::TreeZ | An internal quadtree to store the texture tile associated with each terrain quad, and to keep track of tiles that need to be read back |
proland::TileSamplerZ::TreeZSort | A sort operator to sort TreeZ elements |
proland::TweakBarHandler | Provides a group of tweak bar controls as well as event handler methods to control some aspects of a scene |
proland::TweakBarManager | Provides a modular tweak bar made of several TweakBarHandler |
proland::TweakResource | A TweakBarHandler to edit resources |
proland::TweakSceneGraph | A TweakBarHandler to control the scene graph |
proland::TweakViewHandler | A TweakBarHandler to control a BasicViewHandler |
proland::UpdateTerrainTask | An AbstractTask to update a terrain quadtree |
proland::UpdateTileSamplersTask | An AbstractTask to update the TileSampler associated with a terrain |
proland::ViewManager | Provides access to a SceneManager, to a TerrainViewController and to the screen to world transformation |
proland::WorldParticleLayer::WorldParticle | Layer specific particle data for managing particles in world space |
proland::WorldParticleLayer | A ParticleLayer to manage particles in world space |