proland::SphericalDeformation Class Reference

A Deformation of space transforming planes to spheres. More...

#include <SphericalDeformation.h>

Inheritance diagram for proland::SphericalDeformation:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 SphericalDeformation (float R)
 Creates a new SphericalDeformation.
virtual ~SphericalDeformation ()
 Deletes this SphericalDeformation.
virtual vec3d localToDeformed (const vec3d &localPt) const
 Returns the deformed point corresponding to the given source point.
virtual mat4d localToDeformedDifferential (const vec3d &localPt, bool clamp=false) const
 Returns the differential of the deformation function at the given local point.
virtual vec3d deformedToLocal (const vec3d &worldPt) const
 Returns the local point corresponding to the given source point.
virtual box2f deformedToLocalBounds (const vec3d &deformedCenter, double deformedRadius) const
 Returns the local bounding box corresponding to the given source disk.
virtual mat4d deformedToTangentFrame (const vec3d &deformedPt) const
 Returns an orthonormal reference frame of the tangent space at the given deformed point.
virtual void setUniforms (ptr< SceneNode > context, ptr< TerrainNode > n, ptr< Program > prog) const
 Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the TerrainQuad of the given TerrainNode.
virtual void setUniforms (ptr< SceneNode > context, ptr< TerrainQuad > q, ptr< Program > prog) const
 Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the given TerrainQuad.
virtual SceneManager::visibility getVisibility (const TerrainNode *t, const box3d &localBox) const
 Returns the visibility of a bounding box in local space, in a view frustum defined in deformed space.

Public Attributes

const float R
 The radius of the sphere into which the plane z=0 must be deformed.

Private Attributes

ptr< Uniform1f > radiusU
 The radius of the deformation.
ptr< UniformMatrix3f > localToWorldU
 The transformation from local space to world space.
ptr< Uniform4f > screenQuadCornerNormsU
 The norms of the (x,y,R) vectors corresponding to the corners of a quad.
ptr< UniformMatrix3f > tangentFrameToWorldU
 The transformation from the tangent space at a quad's center to world space.

Detailed Description

A Deformation of space transforming planes to spheres.

This deformation transforms the plane z=0 into a sphere of radius R centered at (0,0,-R). The plane z=h is transformed into the sphere of radius R+h. The deformation of p=(x,y,z) in local space is q=(R+z) P / ∥ P ∥, where P=(x,y,R).

Eric Bruneton, Antoine Begault, Guillaume Piolat

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

proland::SphericalDeformation::SphericalDeformation ( float  R  ) 

Creates a new SphericalDeformation.

R the radius of the sphere into which the plane z=0 must be deformed.
virtual proland::SphericalDeformation::~SphericalDeformation (  )  [virtual]

Deletes this SphericalDeformation.

Member Function Documentation

virtual vec3d proland::SphericalDeformation::deformedToLocal ( const vec3d &  deformedPt  )  const [virtual]

Returns the local point corresponding to the given source point.

deformedPt a point in the deformed (i.e., destination) space.
the corresponding point in the local (i.e., source) space.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual box2f proland::SphericalDeformation::deformedToLocalBounds ( const vec3d &  deformedCenter,
double  deformedRadius 
) const [virtual]

Returns the local bounding box corresponding to the given source disk.

deformedPt the source disk center in deformed space.
deformedRadius the source disk radius in deformed space.
the local bounding box corresponding to the given source disk.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual mat4d proland::SphericalDeformation::deformedToTangentFrame ( const vec3d &  deformedPt  )  const [virtual]

Returns an orthonormal reference frame of the tangent space at the given deformed point.

This reference frame is such that its xy plane is the tangent plane, at deformedPt, to the deformed surface corresponding to the local plane z=0. Note that this orthonormal reference frame does not give the differential of the inverse deformation funtion, which in general is not an orthonormal transformation. If p is a deformed point, then deformedToLocalFrame(deformedPt) * p gives the coordinates of p in the orthonormal reference frame defined above.

deformedPt a point in the deformed (i.e., destination) space.
the orthonormal reference frame at deformedPt defined above.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual SceneManager::visibility proland::SphericalDeformation::getVisibility ( const TerrainNode t,
const box3d &  localBox 
) const [virtual]

Returns the visibility of a bounding box in local space, in a view frustum defined in deformed space.

t a TerrainNode. This is node is used to get the camera position in local and deformed space with TerrainNode::getLocalCamera and TerrainNode::getDeformedCamera, as well as the view frustum planes in deformed space with TerrainNode::getDeformedFrustumPlanes.
localBox a bounding box in local space.
the visibility of the bounding box in the view frustum.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual vec3d proland::SphericalDeformation::localToDeformed ( const vec3d &  localPt  )  const [virtual]

Returns the deformed point corresponding to the given source point.

localPt a point in the local (i.e., source) space.
the corresponding point in the deformed (i.e., destination) space.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual mat4d proland::SphericalDeformation::localToDeformedDifferential ( const vec3d &  localPt,
bool  clamp = false 
) const [virtual]

Returns the differential of the deformation function at the given local point.

This differential gives a linear approximation of the deformation around a given point, represented with a matrix. More precisely, if p is near localPt, then the deformed point corresponding to p can be approximated with localToDeformedDifferential(localPt) * (p - localPt).

localPt a point in the local (i.e., source) space. The z coordinate of this point is ignored, and considered to be 0.
the differential of the deformation function at the given local point.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual void proland::SphericalDeformation::setUniforms ( ptr< SceneNode >  context,
ptr< TerrainQuad q,
ptr< Program >  prog 
) const [virtual]

Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the given TerrainQuad.

This method can set the uniforms that are specific to the given quad.

context the SceneNode to which the TerrainNode belongs. This node defines the absolute position and orientation of the terrain in world space (through SceneNode::getLocalToWorld).
q a TerrainQuad.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

virtual void proland::SphericalDeformation::setUniforms ( ptr< SceneNode >  context,
ptr< TerrainNode n,
ptr< Program >  prog 
) const [virtual]

Sets the shader uniforms that are necessary to project on screen the TerrainQuad of the given TerrainNode.

This method can set the uniforms that are common to all the quads of the given terrain.

context the SceneNode to which the TerrainNode belongs. This node defines the absolute position and orientation of the terrain in world space (through SceneNode::getLocalToWorld).
n a TerrainNode.

Reimplemented from proland::Deformation.

Member Data Documentation

ptr<UniformMatrix3f> proland::SphericalDeformation::localToWorldU [mutable, private]

The transformation from local space to world space.

The radius of the sphere into which the plane z=0 must be deformed.

ptr<Uniform1f> proland::SphericalDeformation::radiusU [mutable, private]

The radius of the deformation.

ptr<Uniform4f> proland::SphericalDeformation::screenQuadCornerNormsU [mutable, private]

The norms of the (x,y,R) vectors corresponding to the corners of a quad.

ptr<UniformMatrix3f> proland::SphericalDeformation::tangentFrameToWorldU [mutable, private]

The transformation from the tangent space at a quad's center to world space.

Generated on Sat May 12 09:41:38 2012 for proland by  doxygen 1.6.1